Research Security & Integrity

The Research Security and Integrity teams are responsible for leading efforts to ensure the campus’s adherence to compliance requirements, as well as supporting faculty and staff in their related responsibilities to ensure academic excellence in all research activities.

Research Integrity Overview Training Course

  Note: You will need to log in to Canvas with your CU Boulder IdentiKey to self-enroll in the course.

  • Target audience: All faculty, staff and students involved in the support or conduct of research
  • Learning objectives: The introductory ORI course will present several important research compliance areas that widely affect those doing research on campus. Key takeaways are summarized and sources for more information are provided. 
  • Approximate time to complete the course: 20 minutes

 Start the Course 

For general inquiries, contact Associate Vice Chancellor of Research Integrity & Compliance, Jon Reuter

 Search Faculty Experts 

Research and expertise across CU Boulder.


 Research Institutes 

Our 12 research institutes conduct more than half of
the sponsored research at CU Boulder.

 Research Centers 

More than 75 research centers span the campus,
covering a broad range of topics.

 Research Computing 

A carefully integrated cyberinfrastructure supports CU Boulder research.